
Topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity, system infrastructure, networks and distributed systems, atomicity and coordination of parallel activities, recovery and reliability, privacy of information, impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and outside reading in the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. The group project is to write an NSF systems proposal to fund a middle-ware product, for announcement RFP01-63.

Intro to Systems, Critical Thinking about Systems, the Role of Complexity

  • Lucky's Bozos on the bus
  • Science of Scientific Writing
  • Worse is better
  • Architecture of Complexity

System Models, System Design

  • Hints for Computer System Design
  • An Investigation of the Therac-25 Accident
  • The X Window System

Basics of Operating Systems, Storage, Virtual Memory

  • The UNIX time-sharing system
  • Disk System Architectures for High Performance Computing
  • Virtual Memory for an Object Oriented Language

Other topics covering in this ebook are Distributed Systems, Virtual memory discussion, Networking, Distributed Storage, Security, Name Services, Time and Coordination, Distributed Transactions, Replication and Distributed Multimedia.

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